École Walt

Neuro-atypical children

WALT school dedicated to neuro-atypical children, from 6 to 16 years old.

The school is located in Paris at 2 rue Dranem in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, and is the result of an association between Neuro Groupe, a non-profit organization fully dedicated to these children, and the Collège de Paris, which has been able to contribute its expertise in education.

We All Learn Things


The name of this school is loaded with meaning: it is the acronym of “We All Learn Things”, and it is a reference to Walt Disney (1901-1966), the creator of the cartoon studio of the same name.

This polysemous name was not chosen at random, it perfectly sums up the pedagogy of the WALT school: the acronym demonstrates the WALT pedagogy, which wants to enrich each child by capitalizing on his or her strengths, all in a pleasant, child-friendly and playful environment, just like the world of Walt Disney

The ambition of the WALT school is to build a pedagogical path that allows each child to feel himself and to develop his strengths. WALT’s pedagogy is based on three pillars:

  • Benevolence and ambition
  • Adapting to each child
  • Capitalize on what works



walt locaux
  • École Walt

    2 rue Dranem accès par le 15 bis rue Jean Aicard 75011 Paris

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